‘幸好,我们当时已将这些哀叫声用录音机录下,证明我们并非无中生有。我们现已将那个洞口封好,留待有关方面调查。很明显,我们发现了某些超乎常理,但科学无法解释的东西。’ 前苏联官方对于此事,并没有作出任何评论。
科拉超深钻孔(Кольская сверхглубокая скважина)是苏联于1970年在科拉半岛邻近挪威国界的地区所进行的一项科学钻探,其中最深的一个钻孔达12,262米。
来自地狱的声音!绝对真实(录音) 英文版本, 那个录制的人(一个博士)的原话:
"As a communist I don't believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell," said Dr. Azzacove. "Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard. And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!Dr. Azzacove continued,". . .the drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit."We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment.
"But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren't those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans.